Client() ************************ .. |br| raw:: html
.. py:class:: Client(client_id, pipe=0, loop=None, handler=None) Creates the RPC client ready for usage. :param str client_id: OAuth2 App ID (found at :param int pipe: Pipe that should be used to connect to the Discord client. Defaults to 0, can be 0-9 :param asyncio.BaseEventLoop loop: Your own event loop (if you have one) that PyPresence should use. One will be created if not supplied. Information at :param function handler: The exception handler pypresence should send asynchronous errors to. This can be a coroutine or standard function as long as it takes two arguments (exception, future). Exception will be the exception to handle and future will be an instance of asyncio.Future |br| .. py:function:: start() Initializes the connection - must be done in order to run RPC commands. :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: close() Closes the connection. |br| .. py:function:: authorize(client_id, scopes, rpc_token=None, username=None) Used to authenticate a new client with your app. By default this pops up a modal in-app that asks the user to authorize access to your app. :param str client_id: OAuth2 application id :param list scopes: a list of OAuth scopes as strings :param str rpc_token: one-time use RPC token :param str username: username to create a guest account with if the user does not have Discord :rtype: pypresence.Response All the different scopes can be found `here `_ |br| .. py:function:: authenticate(token) Used to authenticate an existing client with your app. :param int token: OAuth2 access token :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: get_guilds() Used to get a list of guilds the client is in. :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: get_channels() Used to get a guild's channels the client is in. :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: channel_id() Used to get a channel the client is in. :param str channel_id: id of the channel to get :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: set_user_voice_settings(user_id, **options) Used to get a channel the client is in. :param str user_id: user id :param float pan_left: left pan of the user :param float pan_right: right pan of the user :param int volume: the volume of user (defaults to 100, min 0, max 200) :param bool mute: the mute state of the user :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: select_voice_channel(channel_id) Used to join and leave voice channels, group dms, or dms. :param str channel_id: channel id to join (or ``None`` to leave) :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: get_selected_voice_channel() Used to get the client's current voice channel. :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: select_text_channel(channel_id) Used to join and leave text channels, group dms, or dms. :param str channel_id: channel id to join (or ``None`` to leave) :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: set_activity(**options) Used to set the activity shown on Discord profiles and status of users. Takes the following as parameters. :param int pid: the process id of your game :param str state: the user's current status :param str details: what the player is currently doing :param int start: epoch time for game start :param int end: epoch time for game end :param str large_image: name of the uploaded image for the large profile artwork :param str large_text: tooltip for the large image :param str small_image: name of the uploaded image for the small profile artwork :param str small_text: tootltip for the small image :param str party_id: id of the player's party, lobby, or group :param list party_size: current size of the player's party, lobby, or group, and the max in this format: ``[1,4]`` :param str join: unique hashed string for chat invitations and ask to join :param str spectate: unique hashed string for spectate button :param str match: unique hashed string for spectate and join :param list buttons: list of dicts for buttons on your profile in the format ``[{"label": "My Website", "url": ""}, ...]``, can list up to two buttons :param bool instance: marks the match as a game session with a specific beginning and end :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: clear_activity(pid=os.getpid()) Clear the activity. :param int pid: the process id of your game :param str state: the user's current status :param str details: what the player is currently doing :param int start: epoch time for game start :param int end: epoch time for game end :param str large_image: name of the uploaded image for the large profile artwork :param str large_text: tooltip for the large image :param str small_image: name of the uploaded image for the small profile artwork :param str small_text: tootltip for the small image :param str party_id: id of the player's party, lobby, or group :param list party_size: current size of the player's party, lobby, or group, and the max in this format: ``[1,4]`` :param str join: unique hashed string for chat invitations and ask to join :param str spectate: unique hashed string for spectate button :param str match: unique hashed string for spectate and join :param bool instance: marks the match as a game session with a specific beginning and end :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: subscribe(event,args={}) Used to subscribe to events. :param str event: event name to subscribe to :param dict args: any args to go along with the event :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: unsubscribe(event,args={}) Used to unsubscribe from events. :param str event: event name to unsubscribe from :param dict args: any args to go along with the event :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: get_voice_settings() Get the user's voice settings. :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: set_voice_settings(**options) Set the user's voice settings. :param dict _input: input settings :param dict output: output settings :param dict mode: voice mode settings :param bool automatic_gain_control: state of automatic gain control :param bool echo_cancellation: state of echo cancellation :param bool noise_suppression: state of noise suppression :param bool qos: state of voice quality of service :param bool silence_warning: state of silence warning notice :param bool deaf: state of self-deafen :param bool mute: state of self-mute :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: capture_shortcut(action) Used to capture a keyboard shortcut entered by the user. :param string action: capture action, either ``'START'`` or ``'STOP'`` :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: send_activity_join_invite(user_id) Used to accept an Ask to Join request. :param str user_id: user id :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: close_activity_request(user_id) Used to reject an Ask to Join request. :param str user_id: user id :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: register_event(event, func, args={}) Hook an event to a function. The function will be called whenever Discord sends that event. Will auto subscribe to it. :param str event: the event to hook :param function func: the function to pair with the event :param dict args: optional args used in subscription :rtype: pypresence.Response |br| .. py:function:: unregister_event(event, args={}) Unhook an event from a function. Will auto unsubscribe from the event as well. :param str event: the event to unhook :param dict args: optional args used in unsubscription :rtype: pypresence.Response |br|